Hair Fall
Hair Fall - Reason and Remedies
Dr. KS Prasanna, Director, Institute of Applied Dermatology, Kasaragod, Kerala
our day-to-day practice, we come across many patients complaining of hair loss.
In dermatology, the hair itself is a different speciality known as Trichology.
The common complaint is” sudden loss of hair doctor, I am afraid to have a bath or
comb my hair. I could see hair everywhere in the bathroom, pillow cover, and
floor. I am sure I will be bald soon”.Being a dermatologist, I must console
this patient and give her relief. This can be done only by asking her some
questions. Dermatologists want the answer to the questions, what is the
duration, is your menstrual cycle
regular, is it confined to one area or entire scalp, is it complete hair fall or
broken shaft, do you have itching or dandruff, any of your family male members
have baldness, are you on any drugs, do you have any other severe illness, is
there any sibling rivalry, are you stressed for any reason, are you on a crash
diet, do you have small baby,” and so on.
a good history usually draws out the diagnosis in most of the cases. However,
to confirm it, we have to investigate the patient, by doing a blood test, hair
microscopy, and hair scan, which is known as Trichoscopy. Trichoscopy gives a
definite diagnosis of hair loss. The treatment of hair loss is a combined
effort of the dermatologist, dietician, Ayurveda physician, and homeopathy
doctor. Diet is significant in hair fall, to correct their dietary deficiencies.
Ayurveda has rejuvenating oils, homeopathy, when combined with allopathy, is
good medicine for stress management. By this combined effort; allopathy,
Ayurveda, homeopathy, and diet correction for hair loss disorders, what we call
in our institute as integrative management, we can give a ray of hope for these
fed up hair fall patients.
Ek hi Raat Mein Baal Jhadna Honge Garanti Se Band are like
MUPPRA Kerala Ayurveda's specialists have a thorough understanding of hair health. My hair was falling out, but their individualized treatments made it stop, and I love the new growth.
Hair loss treatment