Ringworm treatment: Consulting dermatologist for early signs of infection is crucial

Ringworm treatment:

Ringworm is very common these days but this skin condition becomes worrisome for people when they do not undergo medical treatment at the initial stage itself. Senior Dermatologist and Institute of Applied Dermatology (IAD) director Dr K S Prasanna says seeking professional medical advice at the earliest signs of ringworm is most important in treating this disease which is caused by a fungal infection affecting the skin, scalp, and nails. "In the initial period, it may look like a minor issue but ignoring the early signs of ringworm can lead to more severe complications. Many a time, patients do not realise that they have been infected with the disease and continue self-medication applying home remedies and over the counter ointments. Accurate diagnosis is most important because ringworm can sometimes be mistaken for other skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis due to similar symptoms such as red, itchy, and scaly patches. Only a dermatologist thorough examination will be able to confirm the disease," Dr Prasanna said.

She warns that using over-the-counter treatments without professional guidance can worsen the condition or lead to unnecessary side effects. "Treatment for ringworms is finalised considering the stage of the infection and places on the body where it's affected,"

As ringworm is highly contagious and there have been reports of an entire family being infected, it is imperative to follow a strict hygiene protocol to prevent its spread and minimize the risk of infecting others. According to Dr Prasanna, apart from treatment, the patient should also undergo certain lifestyle changes to prevent repeat infection. So, the crucial factor in treating ringworm is not to ignore early signs and consult a medical professional without hesitation.


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