Why Is Pathya (Diet) Recommended In Ayurveda?
Dr. Roopa Kamath, Ayurveda Consultant, Institute of
Applied Dermatology, Kasaragod, Kerala
consultation always comes with some rules on food, and that is Pathya (Diet
recommendations). Doctor-Do, we need to follow a vegetarian diet? Can we eat
meat? No Sweets? What about eating at restaurants?.....and there is a series of
questions that pour in.
are concerned about their likings and varieties of food being cut out from
their diet. So now let us know the reason why Pathya or diet has to be followed
along with Ayurvedic treatment.
considers food as one of the Trayopasthamba (3 pillars of life), which is
essential to living a healthy life. So food plays an essential role in curing
or treating diseases. It is mentioned by our acharyas in Ayurveda that if the
apt diet is followed along with medications, then the disease condition will be
easily treatable.
basically Pathya food is the food regimen that is beneficial for both mind and
body. It maintains the normalcy of the body without causing any increase or
decrease of the doshas (essential life elements)
recommendation in Ayurveda depends on the age-sex Prakruthi(Constitution of the
body)Mental status, place, and the climatic conditions of the persons' residence.
Bala (Strength of the person)Vikruthi(The disease factor)Agni(digestive
capacity of the person), Kostha(Bowel evacuation habits of the person).
recommended is also seen for its quality (guna), Veerya (Potency), Vipaka
(Taste formed after digestion), Prabhava (The action of food on body)
Virrudhahara (The absurd combinations of food). Pathya recommended it should be
such that it nourishes and provides strength and happiness, rejuvenates and
increases the longevity of life.
diet or apathy may not cause any disease at first, but continuous usage will
lead to disease. Thus its always beneficial for an individual to follow the
recommended quality, quantity of wholesome food according to the prescribed
Ayurvedic guidelines.